Teacher Awards for Sustainabilty Curriculum
To encourage and recognize development and implementation of innovative educational approaches
Projects must reflect and reinforce the principles of sustainability for the 21st century.

The Sustainable Economic Development Initiative (SEDI) recognizes the impact COVID-19 is making and the loss many are experiencing. We want to express our empathy to those of you who have experienced loss during this pandemic, especially to those whose loved ones have passed and those who experienced this illness. We also acknowledge that many are experiencing other losses including time with friends and co-workers, financial losses, business, employment, and educational struggles. For these reasons we have decided to change this year’s award program to recognize the efforts teachers in our community have provided to continued sustainability while also assisting people who are currently responding to the educational needs of our children during this crisis.
We recognize that many more teachers are deserving of these awards. This year, their focus was diverted to transitioning to at home teaching and learning during our nomination process time. We see children impacted as they learn to complete their studies in a different way. Many of these students do not have access to the books, computers, or other educational tools provided at their schools. In recognition of this the Sustainable Economic Development Initiate has decided to contribute $17,500 to The United Way of Northern Arizona’s COVID-19 fund to support the continuing education of our children who are learning at home.
The purpose of these awards is to encourage and recognize development and implementation of innovative educational approaches in all disciplines (e.g. math, English, history, sciences, economics, etc.) that instill in students the importance, value and practicality of local environmental, social and economic aspects of sustainability. Note that this is not a grant. It is an award, a recognition with no strings attached.
Note: This is not a grant. It is an award, a recognition with no strings attached.
Contact Cory Runge, SEDI Director at cory.runge@narbha.org.